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DonNTU magister Julia Nosko

Julia Nosko

Computer Informational Technologies and Automatics Faculty

Speciality of Telecommunicational Systems and Nets

The master's work name:

"The distributed information network of the “AZOCM LTD” with high requirements to reliability and safety"

Scientific director: Alexander V. Khorkhordin




Report about the search

Individual task


GPA 4.86 on 5.0 scale.
Fluent in Russian, Ukrainian and English.

Have an experience with:
Operational systems: Windows 95/98/2000/XP
Software: MS Office 2000, NetCracker Profesional, AutoCAD 2005, Navision Axapta

Special interests: active rest, swimming, dancing, travelling.

Short biography:

About my childhood

I was born on January, 6, 1984. I was the first child in family, therefore all rushed about with me: parents, grandmothers and grand-dads. I developed quickly while being a child, learned to read and write very early, but went to school late, when I was seven and a half. So it is possible to say that I had a valuable childhood.

About my school

At first school years all subjects were easy to me, especially I loved English. I’m sure that much depends on teacher’s attitude to pupils. Our first English teacher had great character. She taught us how to love English and foreign culture. On English lessons we learned poems and songs, put small plays. The best flashbacks of those years are related to the Happy English book.
In high school I was most fond of exact sciences. Humanitarian subjects were harder for me except for English. From 8 form I participated in Olympiads in English and always took first prices in them. Time passed and my knowledge in English reduced almost to null just because I stopped learning and practicing it.
From all of the school subjects best knowledge left in chemistry, Ukrainian and biology because teachers were strict.
After I finished school I got a gold medal. I think it is a fact I have to be proud of, because it was achieved by such qualities as industriousness and purposefulness that help to achieve success.

About the university

My parents have chosen the course of my higher education for me. I must be thankful them for it, because if not they I wouldn’t be studying now on one of the most prestigious specialities in the university.
Telecommunications seem to me to be the way to communicate with well-educated people, the possibility to learn and to develop always, to find good and well-paid job.
A new life began in university. It has appeared a necessity to learn independently, to be responsible for my acts, because there were nobody to care for us as it was in school.
The best flashbacks of my youth are related to the university. I was fond both of the studying process and of the communication with students’ company. This lasted until the 4 year when I got to the practice into a serious company. That time I understood the difference between the student life and the adult one. It became not enough only to study in university.
Now I work on a master’s on a subject “The distributed information network of the “AZOCM LTD” with high requirements to reliability and safety”. For me it is interesting first of all with it’s closeness to practice and also with the possibility to be consulted by a specialist.

About sport

Sport is life. From the third class I began to go in for sports. I was the highest in the class, so I was engaged into school volleyball team. Frankly speaking I didn’t like this sport and by all means avoided it for three years. Several times I even participated in school competitions. Now I’m thankful to the teachers who made me attend classes of volleyball. Basic skills remained for a long time. And now when I ask boys to let me play with them first they laugh at me and then get very surprised with my game.
In 7 form I started doing fitness. I was fong of it for more than four years. Sport became my good habit. I cannot imagine myself without sport.
When I started learning in the university I got more free time and more possibilities to plan my leisure. I started dances, first bellydancing and then ball dancing. Sometimes I go swimming or visit a gym.

About my leasure

I like different types of needlework. Also I love active rest, for example, trips on a bicycle or hikes in mountains. I love summer journeys to Crimea, and in spring and in autumn I like trips to Svyatogorsk.

My future plans is to complete my masters degree. It is too early to dream about the other.

ENG | RUS | UKR | DonNTU> DonNTU Masters' portal e-mail: ynosko@ami.ua